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Jan 26, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)

Technician productivity is essential to operational resiliency, and when repairs to critical assets are not effectively executed, it drives up labor and maintenance costs.

Maximo Mobile is an intelligent mobile EAM solution that gets smarter over time. It can ultimately help your business improve field management, increase productivity and first-time fix rates. When your technicians have access to real-time asset data and all the information they need at their fingertips, you can rest assured that they have the confidence to get the job done.
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Jan 18, 2022; 10 AM & Jan 20, 2022; 10 AM

Bei voller Sicht Turbo anschalten - In der heutigen Welt der mobilen, bzw. Web-Anwendungen müssen diese immer verfügbar und mit der bestmöglichen Performance für die Endbenutzer laufen. Durch die große Zahl an verschiedenen Services, die eine solche Applikation ausmachen können und die Vielzahl an Infrastruktur-Ressourcen (on-prem, off-prem), die dabei genutzt werden, verliert man schnell den Überblick bzw. hat "blinde Flecken", die man nicht einsehen kann. Letztendlich scheint man als Verantwortlicher für eine Anwendung wie durch einen Nebel auf die Ressourcenauslastung und Performance einer Anwendung zu blicken. Nachdem eine Anwendung bereitgestellt ist, weiß man in der Regel nicht, ob diese optimal genutzt wird oder ob es irgendwo zu Engpässen und damit zu Problemen kommt.

Mit IBM's Application Performance Management (APM) und Application Ressource Management (ARM) Lösungen, lichten Sie diesen Nebel. Wir zeigen Ihnen in dieser Veranstaltung wie Sie in der Lage sind, eine komplette Sicht auf alle IT-Ressourcen und Anwendungen zu bekommen. Dazu gehört auch wie Sie diese automatisch skalieren und überwachen können, sowie auch KI-gestützt, eine effiziente Analyse und Problembehebung vornehmen können.


“You can´t fix what you can´t see!”

Termin: Jan 18, 2022; 10AM

Um Ihre umfangreiche IT-Landschaft up-to-date zu halten, nutzen Sie z.B. UrbanCode Deploy für die Continuous Delivery all Ihrer Anwendungen. Die Überwachung dieser Anwendungen in PROD erfordert immer mehr Aufwand und wird zunehmend schwierig.

Ein Überblick über das gesamte System und seine einzelnen Komponenten und Microservices ist kaum mehr möglich. Die Enterprise Observability Platform IBM Instana nimmt automatisch Beobachtbarkeitsmetriken, traces und Ereignisse auf und setzt alle Anwendungs-, Service- und Infrastruktur-Abhängigkeiten in Kontext zueinander. Entwickler können sofort intelligente Maßnahmen zu allen aufgetretenen und sich abzeichnenden Problemen in den Anwendungen ableiten und ergreifen. Echtzeit-Analysen helfen Anwendungen performant zu bleiben.

Mit Instana sind Sie in der Lage, Ihre Systeme zu überwachen und schnell unter anderem Ausfälle, schlechte Performance oder langsame Webseiten zu erkennen und die Probleme zügig zu beheben – ideal für agile DevOps-Teams.  Wollen Sie eine hohe Verfügbarkeit und Qualität für Ihre Applikationen? Dann ist dieses Webinar genau das Richtige für Sie.


Einführung: Den Nebel lichten mit APM und ARM

Live-Demo: Einblick und Durchblick durch Observability mit IBM Instana

Zusammenfassung: Nie mehr Blind-Spots, testen Sie Instana selbst mit einem Choach an Ihrer Seite


Titel: Die neuen IBM Booster für Ihre Anwendungsentwicklung und Infrastruktur (Teil 1)

Datum: Jan 18, 2022

Zeit: 10:00 Uhr Mitteleuropäische Zeit

Dauer: 45 Minuten


Jan Jancar
Solutions Director
Softacus GmbH
Henning Sternkicker
Management & AIOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland
Thomas Müller
DevOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland

“Unterwegs mit dem Autopiloten für Ihre Anwendungsinfrastruktur”

Termin: Jan 20, 2022; 10AM

Das Erkennen von Performance Engpässen und Risiken, die die Zuverlässigkeit Ihrer Anwendungen gefährden, ist heute die wichtigste Aufgabe im Applikationsbetrieb. Denn wie sagt man: “Slow is the new down!”. Mit Turbonomic ARM gelingt es die Ressourcen Anforderungen Ihrer Anwendungen mit einer Supply Chain über den gesamten IT-Infrastrukturstack zu bedienen und damit automatisch auf mögliche Performancerisiken zu reagieren. Die Sicherstellung der Erreichbarkeit und Arbeitsfähigkeit Ihrer Anwendungen unter dem Aspekt bestmöglicher Effizienz in der Ressourcenausnutzung, ist das Ziel von Turbonomic Application Resource Management – Eben wie ein Autopilot für IT-Anwendungen.


  • Einführung: Den Nebel lichten mit APM und ARM
  • Live-Demo: Mit Weitsicht Ressourcen optimieren durch den Einsatz von IBM Turbonomic
  • Zusammenfassung: Nie mehr Blind-Spots, testen Sie Turbonomic selbst mit einem Coach an Ihrer Seite



Titel: Die neuen IBM Booster für Ihre Anwendungsentwicklung und Infrastruktur (Teil 2)

Datum: Jan 20, 2022

Zeit: 10:00 Uhr Mitteleuropäische Zeit

Dauer: 45 Minuten


Jan Jancar
Solutions Director
Softacus GmbH
Henning Sternkicker
Management & AIOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland
Thomas Müller
DevOps Technical Specialist
IBM Deutschland

Jan 6, 2022, from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM (PT)

In this webinar, both IBM and LDRA will present Medical Device Trends and Opportunities. How Innovation is causing market disruption, products are becoming part of connected IoT solutions, and products are becoming much more autonomous. While the risk of failure is high, there are many opportunities, and overcoming the challenges of IEC 62304 Compliance is critical for success! What are Common Challenges to Achieving Software Compliance? Growing software complexities and growing requirements for regularity approval. What are Design and Process Control with the goal of assuring safety? Functional Safety, including risk and hazard analysis. Software functional safety standards require traceability from requirements to tests to code. Functional, safety and security requirements must be decomposed, implemented, and verified. Combining ALM and Software Verification with IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management and LDRA Code Quality and Verification Management. Essential capabilities for overcoming software compliance challenges. Traceability and Transparency. Impact Analysis and Change Management. Cross-discipline collaboration and rapid product development.

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) is the leading platform for today’s complex product and software development. ELM extends the functionality of standard ALM tools, providing an integrated, end-to-end solution that offers full transparency and traceability across all engineering data. From requirements through testing and deployment, ELM optimizes collaboration and communication across all stakeholders, improving decision-making, productivity, and overall product quality.

Liverpool Data Research Associates (LDRA) is a provider of software analysis, and test and requirements traceability tools for the Public and Private sectors and a pioneer in static and dynamic software analysis. LDRA was founded in 1975 by Professor Michael Hennell to commercialize a software test-bed created to perform quality assessments on the mathematical libraries on which his Nuclear physics research at the University of Liverpool depended.

Our Presenters:
Marty Stolz of IBM
Solution Engineer
Global Markets - Cloud & Cognitive Solutions Sales

Stephen DiCamillo of LDRA
Technical Marketing and Business Development Manager
More information



Online Instructions:

Dec 8, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)

Are you looking for more insights from your existing inspection process? Join this session to learn more about how to integrate AI-powered visual inspections into your business. We will be showing a live demonstration with two use cases showing Maximo Visual Inspection deployed on the Edge. These include using your own cameras and inspecting against your own local folders.


Online Instructions:
Url: http://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3541891/50CB5489E8BAE3F7169D854F0989CF6D

Nov 10, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)

Civil infrastructure is one of the most asset and labor intensive industries, yet the level of digitalization and automation is low.

In this session, you will hear how infrastructure operators Autostrade and Sund & Baelt implemented IBM Maximo for Civil Infrastructure and AI initiatives to optimize asset management, maintenance and inspections.

In addition to maintaining compliance with regulations, benefits include:
- Minimized risk of accidents
- Increased productivity
- Expanded asset lifetime
- Reduced CO2 emissions
More information



Online Instructions:
Url: http://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3493777/4E5159F7DA1F5B99C05E56A82925F57D

10.-12. November 2021 - TdSE Konferenz

Der TdSE – Tag des Systems Engineering ist die inzwischen größte deutschsprachige Konferenz rund um dieses innovative Thema. Die Konferenz fördert nicht nur den Austausch von Industrie, Beratern, Toolherstellern und Forschungseinrichtungen, sondern bietet auch eine Plattform für die Diskussion und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit zu den aktuellen Themenfeldern: Digital Twin, Collaboration & Agile Systems Engineering, Stories: Best Practices, Success, Change & Transformation und Technical Leadership & Culture.

Dabei geben wir unseren Kunden und den Teilnehmern der Veranstaltung die Möglichkeit mit unseren IBM Systems Engineering Experten Peter Schedl, Program Manager Industry Solutions ELM, und Patrick Weber, Solutions Engineer MBSE (Rhapsody/RMM) in den direkten Austausch zu treten und mit ihnen die aktuellen Trends und Anwendungsbeispiele im Systems Engineering Umfeld zu besprechen.

Keynote im Rahmen der Studienpreisverleihung, Dienstag, 9. November 2021 von 14:15 - 14:45 Uhr

  • IBM Systems Engineering Vision -
    The evolution of digital engineering for a changing world
    Sprecher: Peter Schedl

Vorträge im Break Out Room,

Donnerstag, 11. November 2021 von 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr

  1. Wie funktioniert Softwareentwicklung im Team?
    Effiziente Zusammenarbeit im Team und Wiederverwendung von verteilten SysML
    am Donnerstag, 11. November 2021 von 11:00 - 11:30 Uhr
    Sprecher: Patrick Weber
  2. Vom SysML Modell auf den Raspi mit einem Knopfdruck - Geht das?
    am Donnerstag, 11. November 2021 von 11:30 - 12:00 Uhr
    Sprecher: Peter Schedl

It’s just been a few months since IBM acquired Instana, but we’ve been working hard to make the world of AIOps and Observability a better place. Recently, the two sides of the equation became a little bit closer with the release of some new integration points. Instana and IBM have integrated Instana’s industry-leading Enterprise Observability Platform for cloud-native microservice applications with IBM Watson AIOps. This combination provides a powerful predictive analytics platform for incident event management in cloud operations and DevOps.

What is Enterprise Observability?

Instana’s Enterprise Observability Platform discovers and maps all applications, services, infrastructures, events, and their interdependencies automatically. Instana ingests all observability metrics, traces each request, profiles every process, and updates application dependency maps in real-time to deliver context and actionable root cause analysis and feedback. Instana never uses sampling or partial traces. Instana Analytics enhancements optimize application performance, enable innovation, and mitigate risk to help DevOps add value and efficiency to the pipeline.

What Is Watson AIOps?

It’s a natural fit between Intana’s Enterprise Observability Platform and Watson AIOps, specifically the IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps. According to the IBM website…

IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps is an AIOps solution that
deploys advanced, explainable AI
across the ITOps toolchain so you can
confidently assess, diagnose and resolve incidents across mission-critical workloads.

Observability and AIOps – Together at Last

The Enterprise Observability Platform provides rich incident event data for Watson AIOps to enable an end-to-end solution for correlating, analyzing, and responding to application and infrastructure events. Watson AIOps enriches incident root-cause analysis performed by Instana with additional context. It incorporates data from other structured and unstructured sources including other events, tickets, chats, and runbooks to generate predictive actions or to automatically remediate incidents with procedures contained in Watson AIOps runbooks.

According to a survey by the AIOps Exchange, 45% of businesses are using AIOps for better root cause analysis and to help predict potential problems. The Enterprise Observability and Watson AIOps integration brings together unique capabilities and a value proposition currently unmet on the market:

  • Instana performs enriched root-cause analysis of incidents — with additional context from Watson AIOps, including data from other structured and unstructured sources such as events, tickets, chats, and runbooks.
  • Watson AIOps performs automatic remediation via runbooks — of incidents detected by Instana
  • Watson AIOps ChatOps coordinates remediation — of incidents detected by Instana

Modern application architectures, especially Cloud-Native Applications, can have more difficult problems to solve due to a lack of visibility into application, service, and infrastructure — leading to siloed teams, tools, and processes. A data explosion has made life more difficult for ITOps teams when it comes to managing their stack using manual methods. Meanwhile, complexity up and down the application stack has stretched the ability of Dev+Ops teams to understand their data and respond quickly.

Instana’s Enterprise Observability Platform combined with IBM Watson AIOps solves these problems by detecting incidents and identifying the root-cause automatically, which is then enriched with additional contextual data by Watson AIOps. Watson AIOps either predicts a remediation suggestion and/or runs a predefined runbook to resolve the problem automatically. It enables application teams to decrease MTTR, reduce level of effort and costs, more adroitly meet reliability objectives, and improve and streamline collaboration and resolution of incidents.


Friday, 06 August 2021 09:30

IBM innovation meeting

September 8, 2021, IBM Think Pop-up, Königsplatz, Munich

Compliance, automation, and quality assurance in the automotive industry. The IBM Innovations-Treff at the IAA offers short, concise insights into current technology topics for decision-makers who are driving the automotive industry forward: engineering, traceability, German Edge Cloud in production.

Join Now!

What can you expect?

Compliance in automotive engineering

Learn more about IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) - the leading platform for complex product and software development.

You can find more information about ELM here

Blockchain in the automotive industry

Use the case study at Renault to learn how IBM Blockchain can be used to exchange data reliably and work across borders with partners and customers.


Ruben Rex 

Harald Robok 

Bernd Kremer

Eduard Erhart

Peter Schedl


We look forward to welcoming you to the live stream of the IBM Innovations-Treff live from the Think Pop-up on Königsplatz as part of the IAA Mobility 2021! If you are interested in on-site participation, please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

10:00 - 10:10

The automotive industry in motion

10:10 am - 10:30 am

Compliance in automotive engineering

10:30 am - 10:50 am

Blockchain - The digital handshake quality for customers and partners

10:50 - 11:00


11:00 am - 11:20 am

Quality assurance in production - visual inspection

11:20 - 11:40

Hybrid cloud solutions for automotive production with German Edge Cloud (GEC)

11:40 am - 11:45 am

Closing words

11:45 am - 11:45 am

End of the event

Sep 27, 2021 from 08:00 AM to 11:30 AM (PT)

The IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Symposium and Open Labs provides opportunities for you to:

Better understand the purpose and capabilities of IBM’s Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) solution,
Gain insights regarding the ELM development roadmap,
Identify new ways that you can use ELM to make you more effective on the job, and
Perform hands-on exploration to dive into aspects of ELM that are of particular interest to you.

This event is tailored and customized for Hill Air Force Base and it on base contractors such as Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, BAE Systems, etc. The public is also invited to attend the the Symposium of presentations. The Virtual Workshops are reserved for Hill AFB personnel and its contractors.

Event Roadmap

Day 1 – September 28 – participate in the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Symposium. The Symposium provides eight illuminating technical sessions regarding ELM foundations, future ELM development plans, and how you can use ELM to accelerate your success in addressing practical systems engineering and software engineering challenges. Question and Answer session to follow each presentation.

Days 2 or 3 – September 29 or 30 – sign up for and participate in one of our 4-hour hands-on Open Labs sessions. You will select and perform one or two of our 25+ Quick Start guided exercises, each of which enables you to use one or more of our ELM tools to perform select use cases. You also will learn how you can later request and use your own personal Cloud-based ELM environment, so that you can further explore ELM by performing other Quick Start exercises that interest you. For registration of the workshops please email Gary Hayes at IBM <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;. Gary will confirm which session you're registered for. There will be morning and afternoon session on September 29 or 30.


8:00AM Start: Mark Kovich of IBM - Logistics of Event

8:05AM Opening Remarks: Evan Edwards of Hill Air Force Base

8:10AM Additional Comments of Symposium Workshop: Gary Hayes of IBM

8:15AM ELM and ELM’s Support for Digital Engineering: Sky Matthews of IBM - CTO for ELM

The Digital Engineering (DE) revolution
Introducing OSLC, a DE enabler

9:00AM How ELM and OSLC help enable the DE revolution ELM Investment Themes and Roadmap: William Streit of IBM -Director ELM Offering Management

  • ELM’s strategic focus
  • ELM Development Roadmap

10:00AM System of Systems Mission Modeling with the Unified Architecture Framework: Eran Gery of IBM - Distinguished Engineer for Aerospace & Defense and MBSE

  • Introducing the Unified Architecture Framework (UAF)
  • UAF implementation in IBM Rhapsody
  • Leveraging the UAF for Mission Modeling
  • Integrating UAF and SysML models using Rhapsody Break 1045 Integrating Systems and Safety Modeling

11:00 AM The importance of addressing risks and safety concerns during systems engineering: Eran Gery of IBM - Distinguished Engineer for Aerospace & Defense and MBSE

  • Introducing hazard analysis, fault tree analysis (FTA), and failure mode and effect analysis (FEMA)
  • Extending SysML with safety modeling
  • Integrating systems modeling and risks and safety modeling using Rhapsody

More information


Online Instructions:

Url: http://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3369821/4F60898360585CCDF85EADE4C868DF8C

Sep 15, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM (ET)

IBM and VDC Research will discuss the development challenges affecting the A&D industry and the impact of adopting a digital engineering strategy to help accelerate product development, lower costs, and improve quality across both hardware and software engineering.​


Online Instructions:
Url: http://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=IOTcommunity&eventid=3347510&sessionid=1&key=9D3D7B3910E0A55D3E5882E09C7DDBC8®Tag=&V2=false&sourcepage=register
Login: Register using link above

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