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IBM Token License Model

It’s available for selected SW products and available as Fixed Term only.

What are tokens?

Tokens are floating licenses and can be used by different users. At the same time, as many tokens can be used as are contained in the Token Pool in total.
Token are universal licenses, available for almost all Rational Brand tools/programs.
The number of tokens required for a product depends on the value of the respective product
If an application is terminated, it returns the allocated tokens to the Token Pool - the returned tokens are now available to other applications again.
Tokens are rental licenses (Pay4Use) and are not purchased by the customer, but are made available for the duration of a contract (OPEX instead of CAPEX).
Tokens can also be used on the FlexLM license server with existing perpetual licenses in mixed operation. E.g. to cover temporary additional license requirements.

IBM Token Presentation

Summary of Advantages


Classic and new technologies can be used simultaneously with the same licenses. No double
paid maintenance during the 3-4 years migration/modernization

Asset Management

No reservation of product-specific licenses.
No "shelfware" of tools that are no longer used. Different projects can be supported from a central token pool, or a token can be transferred between different servers to compensate for changed license requirements.

License Forecast

Avoid planning errors from the beginning to obtain many or not enough licenses for a specific product. If additional tokens are required during a contract period, the token pool can be easily expanded.

Budget Planning

Customers do not have to invest (buy tokens), but only have to pay for the actual demand in terms of useful life (contract period usually between 3 and 5 years) - (OPEX vs. CAPEX).

Product portfolio

Additional products can be added to an existing token pool at no additional cost.


Unlimited switching and access between all token-based products - 100% Mix & Match

Introduction to Token Licensing

Tokens are the most flexible method of licensing. It is floating licenses where each license feature has a pre defined token value replacing the static quantity. It’s available for selected SW products and available as Fixed Term only.

In a token environment each product consumes a pre defined token value and not a predefined quantity per license as it does in a traditional floating environment. The license key holds a pool of tokens from which the license server automatically calculates the tokens being checked in and out. Tokens are consumed / released when a product checks in/out licenses from the license server according to the same rules as the equivalent traditional floating license works.

From a user perspective it is like a floating environment. When a license is requested the license server will automatically calculate and release required license as long as there is a sufficient number of Tokens available. If there are not enough tokens available, the user will not be able to continue the operation until someone else releases a product that will free up tokens to use.

Technically, token licenses works similar to floating licensing. However, there is a difference when it comes to the way the license checks out for consumption.

  • Tokens allow you to maintain a pool of tokens per server(s), across users and across tokenized products.
  • Tokens are managed in License Key Center (LKC) and handled like a product package which makes it easier to manage.
  • Tokens is a license control mechanism not a different software
  • Token licensing require minimum Rational Common License Server version 8.1.x
  • Token licensing require that the software versions on the client machines to be on a token supported version
  • Authorized User license may not be mixed with token
  • Token licenses are not be locked to a dongle
  • Tokens do not allow Borrowing capability
  • Mixing regular floating and token licenses on the same license server is not recommended

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