This extension provides possibilities to simply select artifact content and create new or update existing artifact.
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Artifact Generator is an extension for Engineering Requirements DOORS NG, developed by Softacus. It facilitates the streamlined selection of artifact content, enabling the creation of new artifacts or the seamless update of existing ones.
Use Cases and Features
Based on the functionalities and use cases that this extension is helping you with, we kept the user interface as simple as possible.The interface comprises several elements including dropdown selections, text inputs, and buttons, all contributing to the composition of both the artifact's content and its name. In the current version of the widget you can find:
- Widget information section - section with version, short description and other information about the extension
- Option Dropdown Selection - This selection enables swift choice of sentence components from predefined data types.
- Update Selection Button - Upon activation, this button synchronizes predefined data type values with the current content within the text field.
- Text Field - This text field is responsible for constructing sentences. It can be modified either by clicking the "Add" button to incorporate selected words from the "Option Dropdown Selection", or by directly inputting custom content.
- Add Button - By engaging this button, the "Text Field" is supplemented with words or sentence fragments from the "Option Dropdown Selection".
- Artifact Content - This non-editable text field visually presents the content of the artifact (Primary Text), derived from your prior selections.
- Artifact Name - Similar to the "Artifact Content," this field exclusively showcases the "Artifact Name," crafted from two text fields (Object, Process Word). It can be enabled for editing through the "Disable Automatic Title" checkbox.
- Disable Automatic Title - A checkbox providing the ability to toggle between an unmodifiable and editable text area for the "Artifact Name".
- Update Button - When activated, this button synchronizes the selected artifact's content (Primary Text) and name attributes with the content within the "Artifact Content" and "Artifact Name" fields.
- Create Button - This button facilitates the generation of an artifact, complete with Name and Contents (Primary Text) attributes based on your designated choices.
- Fullstop - Enabling this option appends a period at the end of the sentence.
- Location of New Artifact Selection - When modifying an existing artifact, three placement options become available:
- Create an artifact before the selected one.
- Create an artifact after the selected one.
- Create an artifact below (as a child) of the selected artifact.
Currently, the extension functions in such a manner that each selector (dropdown, checkbox, or Textarea field) is assigned a distinct position within the artifact content. The selector termed as "subject" possesses its individual toggle switch to transition between "Singular" and "Plural" values, and conversely. Meanwhile, the "Name" selector remains concealed, and by default, mirrors the content of the artifact text. If differentiation between the Name and Content of the artifact is desired, the option to "Make Name Different as Text" can be selected, allowing for a customized title to be authored for the artifact.
The Artifact Generator widget has the following features:
- Selector Options - Each selector (dropdown, checkbox, or Textarea field) is assigned a distinct position within the artifact content. The "subject" selector has a switch button for toggling between "Singular" and "Plural" values, while the "Name" selector mirrors the artifact content by default. An option to "Make Name Different as Text" allows customization of the artifact title.
- Flexible Selector Datatype - Selector choices are encoded within a datatype, initially set as "SentenceStructure," with the flexibility to adapt to customer preferences. This streamlines data entry without necessitating database creation. The "Update Selection" button facilitates prompt updates to field values.
- Multilingual Support - Custom widgets cater to different languages, with the potential to consolidate into a single widget featuring language switches for accommodating multiple languages upon request.
- Enhanced Artifact Placement - Artifacts can be seamlessly positioned within the content flow (After, Below, As Child) or created externally, beyond the module's confines, directed to specific folders.
- Artifact Creation - The "Create Artifact" button generates new artifacts, appending them at the module's base when no prior artifact is selected. Alternatively, it positions new artifacts after the selected one.
- Artifact Update - Existing artifacts can be modified by selecting the artifact, then Content and Name, followed by the "Update Artifact" button.
Softacus developed an innovative extension Artifact Generator designed to enhance your sentence structuring endeavors. This sophisticated tool empowers you to simplify the construction of sentences while ensuring optimal flexibility and customization.
Preconditions and Restrictions
This widget is designed to work exclusively within the module. If the user does not meet these prerequisites, the widget displays an informative message.
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IBM ELM extensions developed by Softacus are free of charge for the customers who ordered IBM ELM licenses via Softacus or for the customers who ordered any of our services. If you are interested in any of our IBM ELM extensions, you found a bug or you have any enhancement request, please let us know at