Displaying items by tag: instana

Leif Davidsen - Program Director, Product Management, Cloud Pak for Integration
Leif Davidsen is the Product Management Program Director for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration. Leif has worked at IBM's Hursley Lab since 1989, having joined with a degree in Computer Science from the University of London.
Andy Garratt - Technical Product Manager, IBM Cloud Pak for Integration
Andy Garratt is an Offering Manager for IBM’s Cloud Pak for Integration, based in IBM’s Hursley labs in the UK. He has over 25 years’ experience in architecting, designing, buildingand implementing integration solutions for customers around Europe and around the world and loves to meet users, IBMers, partners and customers to find out about all the great things they’re doing with IBM integration products.
In diesem Event erfahren Sie wie Instana die Überwachung und Verwaltung von Microservices in Ihrem gesamten Tech-Stack vereinfacht. Wir zeigen Ihnen wie Sie App-Ausfälle, langsame Anwendungen sowie Webseiten minimieren und Probleme beheben – ideal für agile DevOps-Teams.
Machine-Learning generierte Echtzeitanalysen, Visualisierungen und automatische Benachrichtigungen über die Leistung Ihrer Anwendungen und Webseiten helfen Ihnen stets informiert zu bleiben.
Das Fazit von Instana:
• Alles automatisieren – von der Erkennung bis zur Fehlerbehebung
• Modellieren der gesamten Stack-Umgebung und Erkennen von Änderungen in Echtzeit
• Sofortiges Feedback und Lieferung aller relevanten Daten für schnelle und intelligente Maßnahmen
Überwachung von Cloud-nativen Anwendungen in jeder Cloud-Infrastruktur, Testen und Verifizieren von Apps-Rollouts, reibungslose Migration zwischen unterschiedlichen Umgebungen ob Private, Public, Hybrid oder Multi Cloud... oder ganz einfach: IBM Instana Observability.
Dr. Henning Sternkicker ist seit über 20 Jahren innerhalb der IBM als Technical Representative für Themen im Bereich Software-Entwicklungswerkzeuge zuständig. Angefangen bei Software Configuration und Change Management, über Continuous Deployment und DevOps Tools. Seit 2021 beschäftigt er sich speziell mit dem Thema Observability bzw. Application Performance Management und allen Themen rund um das IBM AIOps Portfolio.
Jan Jancar ist Geschäftsführer der Softacus AG. Jan und sein Team bei Softacus sind seit Jahren ein bedeutender Geschäftspartner in den Bereichen Systems Engineering, Jazz Platform und Automation. Jan ist seit vielen Jahren ein vertrauenswürdiger Berater in diesem Bereich und ein Vordenker und Redner zu diesem Thema. Jan hat mit anderen Partnern auf internationaler Ebene zusammengearbeitet, auf IBM-Veranstaltungen gesprochen und sich für die Lösungen von IBM eingesetzt.
Melden Sie sich unter diesem Link an:
Our solution engineer will walk you through the product and how easy Instana makes it to:
- Automate discovery, mapping, and configuration with zero human interaction
- Use AIOps to establish a baseline of application performance
- Analyze metrics, traces, and logs
- Trace every request, with no sampling
- Monitor hybrid cloud and mobile environments
Applications power businesses. When they run well, your customers have a great experience, and your development and infrastructure teams remain focused on their top initiatives. In today’s world, applications are becoming more distributed and dynamic as enterprises embrace new development methodologies and microservices. Simultaneously, applications are increasingly being deployed across complex hybrid and multicloud environments.
It has never been more challenging to assure applications deliver exceptional customer experiences that drive positive business results and beat the competition. Application architecture and design must be well executed, and the underlying infrastructure must be resourced to support the real-time demands of the application. The combination of Instana and Turbonomic provides higher levels of observability and trusted actions to continuously optimize and assure application performance.
About Instana and Turbonomic:
Instana: Enterprise Observability Platform – Automatically discover, map and visualize the full application & technology stack in real-time
Turbonomic: Application Resource Management - Continuously assure application performance. Applications get the resources they need when they need them as demand fluctuates
Abstract :
If you always wanted to know how to get to a real Instana system, here is how.This video talks you through three ways of getting VERY quickly to a demo systems.We want to explain two methods to install and use Instana in a "Proof of Concept" (POC) like setup.A production type installation would require more planning to be as fit as possibleto your requirements and may become another video of this series.
Topics covered:- Instana "Play With"- The 14 days trial version- Single Server installation- Requirements- Hardware- Licensing- Demo- Best Practices
Fred Harald Klein - EMEA Technical Leader AIOps, Executive IT Specialist
Register here
Join us for a discussion about UrbanCode Deploy and Instana - how they integrate and provide incredibly fast feedback on the stability of applications in production. If you don't know UrbanCode Deploy, you will get a quick overview, and an overview of Instana. Then, a demo of the power instana brings to troubleshooting and improving or even avoiding Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR).

Laurel Dickson-Bull, GTM Product Manager - IBM DevOps

Randy Langehenning, Hybrid Cloud DevOps Technical Specialist
Feb 3, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)
Learn how IBM and Instana came to be. You’ll understand how Instana can make sense of your chaotic cloud-native environments, uncover anomalies in the performance of your applications before they can affect your customers – with the context to fix it.
Our solution engineer will walk you through the product and how easy Instana makes it to:
- Automate discovery, mapping, and configuration with zero human interaction
- Use AIOps to establish a baseline of application performance
- Analyze metrics, traces, and logs
- Trace every request, with no sampling
- Monitor hybrid cloud and mobile environments
Hosts of this Webinar
Drew Flowers, of Instana
Director of Solution Engineering, NA/LATAM
More information